Saturday, 19 October 2013

Bad Grandpa Spoiler Free Review

4 on 5

After " Jackass: Number Two ", the question arises, how the hell the shameful liberated Jackass guys want to make the film presented in painful stunts yet. Indeed, in " Jackass 3D "there was no more extreme actions, but one of the most useful applications of 3D technology in general (and calculated in an otherwise completely nonsensical film). But that's the end of the story was also really achieved. 

Now, instead of with all his might even top it off (or worse, only to repeat), have director Jeff Tremaine, upper Jackass Johnny Knoxville and show developers Spike Jonze (yes, that of "Being John Malkovich"), the extreme stunt franchise completely reinvented in "Jackass: Bad Grandpa" not lined longer just an anarcho-fun at the other - instead proves to be the spin-off as a surprising mix of a hidden-camera satire and an indie drama in the tradition of "Little Miss Sunshine" (including the same final). We had it before and did not believe, but the first abstruse-looking mix actually goes on: "Jackass: Bad Grandpa" is the first film in the series, which not only entertains with coarse mischief as Coke machine jammed penises, but besides the funny bone reached the heart of the audience. 

Eight-year-old Billy (Jackson Nicoll) has not exactly taken the best lot. To make matters worse his mother's breasts stink terribly since she smokes so much crack - therefore they must now also for a long time in jail. Billy's Grandpa Irving Zisman (Johnny Knoxville magnificent senior makeup) the boys will now go across the country and deliver it to his father, no less fucked up. However, the newly widowed pensioners actually has other plans, namely, savoring his newfound freedom and sleep with as many women as possible as young and black. 

After a first attempt, Billy simply be sent by post to his father, unfortunately failed, but Irving is finally nothing else than to put yourself behind the wheel. It follows a road trip with Billy on the passenger seat and the dead grandma in the trunk, the unsuspecting visitor of bingo halls and strip clubs learn to fear the concentrated shamelessness of Irving Zisman in the course, while the sexist old man slowly a caring relationship builds to his grandson ... Who still remembers Frank Oz's something wrongly forgotten " Bowfinger "? In the beens Showbiz Comedy Director Robert K. Bowfinger turns (Steve Martin), a horror film with the trendy Hollywood star Kit Ramsey (Eddie Murphy), even without the idea that he plays along it. Instead, the inexperienced actor is always taken by surprise on the road of bizarre characters (= Bowfingers performers) and believes himself soon followed by aliens. 

Following a similar concept to "Jackass: Bad Grandpa" has now emerged: While the protagonists know, of course, decision, all of minor characters and extras victims secretly placed cameras. And the word happy used in the ARD show "Candid Camera" "victim" in this case is not really true. The issue is never about the chance to show off those involved, rather it presents director Jeff Tremaine. Almost in a loving light The best example of this is a sequence, little Billy releases in Irving at his father and loudly expresses that he cares anyway just to the monthly maintenance checks.

 Located the scene is calculated in a pub, taking place in just a meeting of the (uninitiated) Bikers Against Child Abuse. As the tough guys take care of the boys and work for him, is just great and touching. But all this is not to say that Johnny Knoxville would waive its typical anarcho-humor (even if it takes significantly shorter in terms of stunts) : he tilts when Irving at the funeral of his wife's coffin to, can be drunk at a shopping cart of Billy with a snack-Drive-In reunions or pirates with its up to the knees hanging fake testicles of a male striptease show. 

But although that is roaring funny newcomer Jackson Nicoll steals it with his impassive-cheeky way again the show: When the eight-year old on the road from the appeals Nothing a stranger and opened it with conviction, that he was his new daddy now, white The poor man did not know what hit him. But the absolute highlight is Billy's participation in a genuine Little Girl pageant, even if the punch line of " Little Miss Sunshine "was stolen: it is just once to see something different, run like such a classic movie moment probably in real life would. conclusion: "Bad Grandpa" is a shamelessly entertaining-"Jackass" movie with a big heart! Who would have ever thought possible for such a mix?

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